Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Even though our daily lives have changed significantly as a result of COVID-19, one thing that hasn’t changed is Amsure’s dedication to serving your insurance and risk management needs. We have all confronted a new set of challenges over the past few weeks and it is certain there will be more to conquer in the weeks to come.
Thanks to technology and the dedication of our employees, Amsure is fully operational. We have reduced our on-site staffing levels at both offices (Albany and Saratoga Springs) because it is the right thing to do for the safety and well-being of our employees, clients, and the communities we serve. That said, Amsure’s team stands ready to serve you in both locations as well as by phone and email (as always). Please know that whether you have a general inquiry or a specific issue related to your insurance and risk management needs, including COVID-19–related questions, we are available.
I also wanted to use this communication to provide you with additional detail on a few of the COVID-19–related insurance questions. Hopefully, this material serves as a resource as you manage through these unprecedented times. If you would like further clarification on any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to contact your Amsure representative.
I hope this message finds you, your families, and your staff healthy and making the best of these unusual circumstances.
Be well,

Matthew D’Abate